Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Frenchman

I have done many things in my life that I am ashamed of. It seemed that each wave on the lifeboat knocked me into deeper savagery. However, the biggest knock on the lifeboat was from my brother’s boat. I will pray for his soul forever. It was chance that brought him to me and then to Richard Parker’s mouth. He was a fellow human, a fellow sufferer. Ultimately, he was another food source. I weep openly to think how low one can be pushed by hunger, that pitiless slave-driver. The opportunity to have human company on that lifeboat was cut short (it may have been luckily considering he did try to kill and... eat me). However, he definitely did not deserve the treatment I gave his body and I shudder to think of that savagery. Life will degrade to any level of savagery so long as it survives.


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